Lesson 1

Lesson Plan #1:  Multiplication as Equal Groups 

Performance Objective: Given an equal groups picture, students will write multiplication equations that accurately describe the picture 5 out of 6 times.

Resources or Maternials Needed: Worksheet, counters, paper plates, whiteboard, pencil

Time: 60 minutes 

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities: Invite 5 students to the rug in the front of the classroom.  Ask the question, “How many shoes are on the rug?”  Call on a student to answer: 10 shoes! Yes, you just multiplied 2x5.  There are 5 students standing on the rug, and each student has 2 shoes on.  Explain the concept of multiplication and how it relates to addition.  Ask a volunteer to describe how multiplication can be used to show the total of several groups of 2.  Ask another volunteer to explain how addition relates to multiplication.

Step 2: Content Presentation: Begin instruction as whole group and break into small groups.  End the lesson with individual work.   

Step 3: Learner Participation: Give each group of students 20 counters and 5 paper plates. Have them make math drawings using counters to represent the objects and paper plates to represent the groups.   Walk around the classroom to provide feedback as needed. 

Step 4: Assessment: Students work through problems to write out multiplication equations for 6 equal group pictures.  (See Appendix A)

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities: Ask students to explain when an equal shares drawing is faster to make than an equal groups drawing.  Students should explain that an equal shares drawing is faster when there are many things in each group. Students may connect multiplication pictures with repeated addition. Show the Multiplication Mash Up video on YouTube to keep the students interested in multiplication! 

Lesson Plan Summary: Start the lesson grasping the students attention by asking for volunteers and applying multiplication with equal groups in a real life scenario.  Use large group, small group, and individualized instruction to meet the needs of each student.  These instructional strategies support the learning theory of Constructivism because students rely on prior knowledge of many math vocabulary words such as equal, groups, sort, and equation to recall what has been previously learned.